Veliki Preslav The town of Veliki Preslav is located in the valley of the river Golyama Kamchia in the south-east foot of the Preslavka Mountain. It is 16 km south-west of Shumen and 24 km south-east of Turgoviste. (Population - 10 650 residents, 120 m altitude) South of the existing town was rising the second capital of the Danube Bulgaria - the ancient Preslav. Now the area is declared archeological reserve. Preslav is a Bulgarian name that comes from "preslavan" (glorious, the most glorious). From 1878 till 1993 the town is called Preslav and then - Veliki Preslav (Great Preslav). Archeological reserve "Veliki Preslav" is located about 2 km south of the new town and spreads over 5 sq km. The remarkable remains of the second capital of Medieval Bulgaria evoke respect and admiration even today. The ancient Preslav arose like a military camp with a fortified palace and a garrison in the first half of IXth century at the time of khan Omurtag (814-831). Preslav was declared a capital by Simeon I (893-927) who moved it from Pliska in 893 and for a short time the town strengthened its position as administrative, religious and cultural center of the medieval Bulgarian state, famous with its spectacular monumental construction, with the achievement of the applied arts, stone plastic arts, painted pottery and the literature school. For this exclusive magnificence and splendour we learn from "Shestodev" of Yoan Ekzarh. Being a capital of the Bulgarian kingdom from 893 to 969 the town was directly connected with the progress and cultural bloom at that time, famous as Golden Age of the Bulgarian culture. For building and developing the capital special merit had the Bulgarian prince (knyaz) of Simeon who later became the Great king Simeon, one of the most educated European rulers. Outstanding personality, statesman, warrior and a bookman (trained at the popular Magnaur School in Constantinople) Simeon managed to turn Preslav into the second great town in Southeast Europe after the capital of Byzantium. In 969 the town was captured by the Kiev prince Svetoslav I Igorevich for a short time. During the Byzantine domination it was called Ioanopolis. In XIII-XIV century the town was also an Episcopal center. The excavations of the ancient Preslav began in 1897. The settlement located in a forest land was protected by solid fortified system consisting of two walls (one into another) forming the external and inside town. The external town was fortified with massive stone wall forming irregular quadrangular. The inside town was located almost in the middle of the external one. It includes palace complex with a big palace court (35 m X 22.5 m) and small palace (residential) 16 m long. Part of the remarkable architecture of the ancient Pliska is the famous Golden Church built in X century in the time of Simeon the Great. The church is a masterpiece - rotunda which was covered with half-spheric gilt dome. It was lavishly decorated with marble columns, painted pottery plates; mosaics made by glass, stone and gilt cubes. During the excavations of the ancient town were discovered ruins of different kind of buildings - residential ones, workshops, ateliers, bathrooms and water-main. A rich archeological museum was built showing the find from the excavations and among them are the matchless icon of St. Teodor Stratilat composed of 20 painted pottery plates and the Preslav golden treasure as well as a collection of Bulgarian and Byzantine lead stamps Sights: - The church of "St. St. Petar and Pavel" a cultural monument;
- The library (1874);
- The Memorial of the perished people from Preslav in the wars 1912-1918;
- The impressive sculptural composition "King Simeon with the bookmen" (1983);
- The Ethnographic House where visitors can take a first-hand look at the Bulgarian customs in the region, hear authentic folklore songs, taste the traditional "darpana banitza" and the famous fine wine of Preslav.
- Reserve of "Patleina" - located in a picturesque area with the same name about 6 km south of Veliki Preslav. The total size is approximately 38 ha; established in 1948 to protect the historical monuments there.
- Monastery "St. Panteleimon" is in the borders of the reserve. Founded in X century it was a famous cultural center and one of the places where the Preslav painted pottery and glass-ware are made. There was found the unique icon of St. Teodor Stratilat. Reaching the monastery is not very easy.
- Reserve "Dervisha" (The Dervish, famous also as Horse chestnut) - located some 3 km south of Veliki Preslav in the most south-eastern part of the Preslav Mountain). Established in 1948 for protecting the only one field of horse chestnut; spreading over 10 ha.
- Ticha Dam - 14 km south of the town; a wonderful place for rest, sun-baths, fishing, water sports and tourism. In the area there are holiday houses and villas.
- Town and resort of Vurbitza - The town is 36 km south-west of Veliki Preslav, north of the Vurbishki pass in the East Stara Planina Mountain. Only 4-5 km far from the town is the resort of Vurbitza with mineral spring, holiday bases, villas and forestry. It is a nice place for relaxation among beautiful nature and fresh air.
The climate of the municipality is temperate continental. The average month temperature in January is from -1.2 to -2.0 degrees Celsius; the average July temperature is between 20.5 and 21.5 degrees Celsius. The rainfalls in the south and north part of the area are heavier than the ones in the central one. The predominant type of soil in the north parts of the municipality are grey-forest while in the south parts they are maroon soils. In the mountain part of Veliki Preslav area the woods are mostly broad-leaved and less coniferous. The fauna is presented by small rodents, foxes, jackals, forest and field birds. There is a reserve with dears, wild-boars and stags of a fallow deer. |