Yambol The town of Yambol is located in the eastern part of the Gorno Trakiiska lowland along Tundja river. The town of Sliven is 26 km away and the coastal city of Burgas just an hour drive close. The earliest evidence of life on these lands are found in numbers of prehistorical hillocks. The ancient town was created on an important crossroad like the Thracian settlement Kabille, which becomes an important fortress in the country of Philip the Macedonian. The town develops and is known as a center of coin mint, trade and crafts. During XI - XIV century the settlement is mentioned in historical sources as Diospolis or Dablino and Yampolis. From a source dating from the time of king Ivan Aleksandar the town is called Dablin. Evidence from the impressive fortification system could be seen nowadays as well. The town is one of the first on the Balkans which puts up a resistance to the Otoman invasion. In 1393 after long siege the town is conquered from the Turkish. During the Turkish Yolk a lot of Turks settle in the area and after Russian -Turkish war from 1829 a lot of the local Bulgarian population emigrate to Russia. By that time the town is popular as trade center dealing with Odrin and Tcarigrad at most. The "salt road" from Anhialo to Plovdiv was crossing the town as well. The town takes an active position in the Bulgarian national movements for liberation. Famous heroes from the area are Georgi Garabchi, Budak Styan, Kara Dobri, and others. In later periods glorious rebels become Georgi Drazhev, Radi Kolesov, Zahari Velichkov and many others. The town is liberated in January 1878. To glorify the outstanding event the "St,Aleksandar Nevski" church has been built on the Bakadzhicite Hill. This is the first monument which illustrates the friendship between Bulgaria and Russia. In the first half of XX century Yambol becomes famous with the curative mineral springs, with the unique horse tram, with the pheasant farm of repute. The famous John Atanasov who has invented the computer is from the area. His father was born in the village of Boiadjik, near Yambol. Places that you should visit in Yambol are the Church "George the Conqueror" , the famous Roofed Market which is one of the well kept architectural monuments dating from XV century ; The historical Museum as well as the ethnographic Museum. There are number of places that deserve seeing in the surrounding area. One of them is the park called "Ormana" This is a favorite place for the citizens of the town and its guests. 14 km away in south-east direction is located the church "Aleksandar Nevski" and the Monastery " St Spas" Another preferable place is the Bakadjicite Hills. It is a row of hills between Yambol and Elhovo. Known as Small Bakadjik, High Bakadjik and Solfdier Bakadjik. Once those hills were gathering place for rebels. The Hills are located 16 km from the town and with the nice deciduous forests are wonderful place for walks and rest. Modern holiday houses have been recently built. A lot of tourist routes start from here as well. |